Sunday, 22 February 2009
2) Biography

3.1) Little Cat Diaries
"Binu" Snow Leopard Cub (Sold)
Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
"Soulful Thoughts" (Donated)
3.2) Little Cat Diaries
3.3) Little Cat Diaries
"The Three Brothers" (Commision/Donated to EAZA Tiger Appeal)
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do"
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.- Maureen Dowd
3.4) Little Cat Diaries

We Often feel more responsible for our failures than our successes.
Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
4.1) African Gallery
4.2) African Gallery
A Native American elder described how inside him there were two dogs, constantly fighting each other for supremacy.
One dog was afraid and miserable, a snarling and unpleasant thing.
The other was trusting and good, a hopeful and happy animal."
Which one wins the fight?" someone asked."The one I feed the most." he replied.
4.3) African Gallery
4.4) African Gallery
This painting was an early practice piece I did as a beginner at a workshop held by MIWAS. It was based very loosely on a painting I had seen by a brilliant artist called Bob Kuhn. I put it in for comment at a critique at the end of the workshop. It was severely but very constructively criticised by George Woodford. I learned so much from his honesty & went away to practice, practice, practice. The painting above is the reworked finished version, which has great personal value to me.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all your self.
5.1) Small Cat Diaries

You lifted me up onto your shoulders
& suddenly there was no limit to how far my heart could see.

5.2) Medium Cat Diaries

"The Oryx Cub"
Perhaps God would want us to become acquainted with many different people in the course of your life, so that when you meet the right ones, you can appreciate and be grateful for them.
Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
5.3) Big Cat Diaries
Justice cannot be done for one side alone, but must be for both.
Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
6.1) Orangutan Gallery
6.2) Orangutan Gallery
7.1) My Lovely Dog
7.2) My Family & Friends

9.1) Miscellanious Gallery
"Fox study" (Commmission)
A commision for a dear friend, who I fear may no longer be a part of my life.
Don’t let a little dispute injure a great relationship.When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
Spend some time alone every day.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time