My Marwellous Family & Friends
My beloved Dad used to paint cartoon characters such as Yogi Bear & Bugs Bunny in the steam on our windows when Mum was busy cooking in the kitchen. My parents used to take me to see Walt Disney films such as Jungle Book & Bambi. They always encouraged me to paint & draw. My art teachers Mr Worzle, Mr Tucker & Mr Gee were great but my Dad was & will always be my hero. I grew up with a corgi called Paddy for a brother. We often used to have family visits to Marwell, Longleat, Windsor Safari Park, Bristol zoo & even an antiquated zoo in Southampton. These were all fond memories of my childhood.
I used to love Rolf Harris & David Shephard, Johnny Morris & Animal magic. My Mum & Dad gave me a book by Brian Hanlon which inspired me to take up painting again a few years after I left school. Mum spotted a small advert in a local newspaper for a "Brush with the wild" painting course at Marwell zoo in 1997. This transformed my life. Thanks to the enthusiasm & support of my talented friend Pip McGarry I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends & happy memories.
True friends are so important in life. My very talented best friend Sandra Read & her husband Geoff gave me hope & enabled me to be "True to my heART"
I really appreciate all the help & encouragement I have received from my dear Mum & Dad, Sandra Read, Pip McGarry, Janet Ackerman, Helen Brown, Kim Thompson, Ann Squires, Anne Swatton, Anne Watson, Rosemary Cook, Mike East, Julie Longdon, Mavis, Jackie, Fiona, Jamie, Nick & all my other talented friends at Marwell.
Peace be with you.
Happy painting